Please Read
I, the participant, ...... (“Participant”), understand that in participating in these consultations, coaching sessions, breathwork sessions, and training, video(s), and audio(s) (collectively referred to as “Activities”) offered by Shannon Zurhaar & Intuit Wellness (“Facilitator”), have read and agreed to the following:
I understand that breathwork and Activities offered by the Facilitator are designed to enhance the quality of life and support holistic wellbeing, and are not intended to replace the diagnosis, treatment or care of licensed professionals.
Breathwork results in certain specific physiological changes in the body and can result in intense physical and emotional release. Therefore, for safety purposes, we do not allow persons with the following conditions to participate in a breathwork session unless consulting your physician first.
Medical Contraindications
• Epilepsy
• Detached Retina
•Recent surgery
• Glaucoma
• Osteoporosis that is serious enough whereby moving around actively could cause potential issues.
• High Blood Pressure that is not controlled with medication.
• Cardiovascular disease and/or irregularities including prior heart attack
• Prior strokes or seizures
• Pregnancy
• Asthma (if you have asthma you can participate but you must have your inhaler available)
• Prior diagnosis by a health professional of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia
• Hospitalization for any psychiatric condition or emotional crisis during the past 10 years. • If you have been diagnosed with PTSD and still have strong symptoms, you are required to get your therapist’s approval to participate before you register
• Any other medical, psychiatric or physical conditions which would impair or affect the ability to engage in any activities that involve intense physical and/or emotional release.
The client agrees that participation in any of these Breathwork services is entirely at his/her own risk. These services are provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including without limitation any warranty for information services, mentoring, uninterrupted access, or products and services provided through or in connection with the service. This service is requested at the client’s own choice and with inherent singular responsibility.
By booking I agree to these terms and conditions.